About Us

Mission Statement

Impact Community United (ICU), is a non-profit organization that exists to change the life trajectories of at-risk youth and families experiencing various forms of hardship and crisis, starting in Monrovia, CA and moving into greater Los Angeles County, CA, one community at a time. Impact Community United has helped hundreds of teenagers and families learn valuable skills and access needed resources in order to improve their ability to live fulfilling lives.

Impact Community United was founded by Mr. Terrence Brown because he felt more could be done to serve the at-risk youth and single-parent households in Monrovia. Mr. Brown was unable to sit by and watch while his community “was being destroyed” by neglect for solving key problems.

Though Impact Community United has been operating as a grass-roots organization since 2000, it was formally established as a California Non-Profit in 2020. Mr. Brown himself has been making an impact in the non-profit world for 27 years. He has been President of the Monrovia Police Department Chaplain Auxiliary for over 10 years, which uniquely positions his growing non-profit to offer its clients services and provide access to resources that its competitors cannot

Mr. Terrence Brown is supported by a prominent team which includes Brandon Lamar and Michael Gray, both of whom have vast experience running both for-profit and non- profit ventures with great success. Specifically, the Impact Community Team has grounding expertise in organizing events, marketing to the local community and achieving key goals.

The mission is to support 100% of at-risk youth and single-parent households in Monrovia, CA. It is their hope that through training and support programs, all disenfranchised youth and families in the community are afforded the opportunity to achieve success and improve their quality of life

ICU’s services currently include afterschool programs, one-on-one youth mentoring, and numerous group activities to supplement the one- on-one support. Over the next three years they will provide vocational training in person and online, offer individualized counseling and support, and expand their family crisis and gang intervention programs.

The non-profit is positioned to succeed because there is a massive need to serve at-risk youth and low-income families in the Monrovia area. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations in the community have closed, which leaves a void in these critical services. Fulfilling this need will increase the community’s quality of life and aid in decreasing crime rates, among numerous other benefits.

One of the organization’s unique advantages is that they involve the community in the development of their programs and services, so as to ensure that their needs are adequately met. This also helps the non-profit to achieve their goals, because the community members fully support and believe in their mission.

Impact Community United has been dedicated to making a difference in their community since they began. They are focused on strategically positioning and developing their brand to raise the funds needed to support sustained growth, so they can make a long-term impact for years to come.


Our Staff Members

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